Content Analysis Database > Dispositions > Archive (Keep Copy Internally)
Opportunity for improvement: low

Archive (Keep Copy Internally)

How to use dispositions


Archive by entirely removing from the public site, but keep a copy internally in a manner that is relatively easy for you to find in the unlikely event that someone needs it later.

This is relatively straightforward: remove all the content so it is unavailable publicly, but keep a copy internally in a manner that can be searched by internal staff in order to provide the content (perhaps via email) when someone specifically requests it.

Several advantages to this approach:

  • It avoids unnecessary work migrating content you probably don't need otherwise.

  • This approach allows a lot of flexibility going forward. By having a way of getting to the original information, users can

Martin White introduced this disposition to David Hobbs on a client engagement — thanks!

When to assign this disposition to content:
  • Only if you have a reliable means of storing the data, at least for some reasonable period appropriate for this data
  • Only if someone could reliably find the information (including in the future after staff leave)
  • Drop and Forget
  • Archive (Visibly)
  • Leave As Is
System-wide startup effort

Before removing from display (and search assessable by regular users), make sure you store it somewhere that you can internally search, retrieve, and send in some format.

Average per-item manual effort
0 minutes
Effort per (potential) handling step:
Step Effort What is this?
Sort skipped Decide what to do with content item
Place skipped Place in IA
Edit skipped Edit text/content (NOT technical)
Move / Transform skipped Physically move/enter/transform content (NOT the words)
Enhance / Tag skipped Prepare the metadata, especially tagging/retagging
QA skipped Review content for quality
More on estimating effort: article | webinar | slideshare | mini-report.