Database for Content Inventories, Audits, and other Analysis

This database is completely free (no payment or email address required). We at David Hobbs Consulting want to push the discussion of inventories forward, beyond simply the assumption of blindly slogging through spreadsheets, and this is a way we hope to accomplish that.

Fields for Content Analysis

In a traditional inventory, each row represents a piece of content. Each row has different fields in it (such as File Format). Some fields are easier to gather than others, and some are more useful than others.

Features of the fields database

  • Ratings of how generally useful each field is as well as how ease of gathering the information.
  • Grouping fields by type (like User fields) , so you can explore related fields.
  • You can favorite fields to build a list of fields.
  • If you are working on a focused digital presence, then you can download an Excel template.
  • Automated evaluation of your list, and recommendations of how to sequence your work.
  • Pointers to potentially more useful fields.

Example Field Page

Dispositions for Transformations

A disposition is a consistent manner of content during a transformation. Using them allows for planning for effective and efficient content improvements.

Features of the dispositions database

  • A break down of possible dispositions so you can be a bit more refined with your approach.
  • Ratings along a scale of "delete" vs. "rewrite".
  • An overall estimate of the per-content-item manual effort (if any), broken down by potential content handling step.
  • Recommendations on what needs to be set up in advance for the

Example Disposition Page

Content Analysis Articles

Currently there is only one article, How to do a content inventory or content audit.