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Near Text Duplicate

Is there a near text duplicate of the page? If so, what is the URL for that near duplicate.
General Usefulness: ★ ★
Ease of Automation: ⚙⚙⚙
⚠ Gotchas ⚠

Except for tiny sites, this is impossible to do manually.

Source Types:
Advanced Algorithms

Other closely related fields you may consider

Note that lower level fields may sometimes be needed to compute more useful fields. Also, sometimes the higher level fields may be more difficult to compute, so they are not always worth it.

Near Text Duplicate (you are here)
↓↓↓ Often lower level fields are less useful ↓↓↓
In Content Chimera

Chimera implements a probabilistic algorithm to find full-page, near text duplicates (if two pages have nearly the same content, then it will probably find it).